The khanqah system has flourished in the Indian subcontinent. The leaders of all four Sufi orders have established centers for the purification and spiritual refinement of their disciples throughout the ages, known as khanqahs. Seekers would stay in these khanqahs for some time to work on their inner improvement, while the people of God would diagnose the ailments of souls and prescribe spiritual remedies. Praise be to God, this tradition continues to this day.
In line with the footsteps of the great scholars, the Center of Scholars and Students, led by Hazrat Maulana Dr. Shahid Owais Naqshbandi (may his honor increase), has established a khanqah.
This khanqah, located in Defense, Lahore, sees a continuous flow of disciples and the general public day and night, with some disciples even residing there. Regular practices, teachings, and advice, along with various prayers and invocations for healing ailments, are provided.